Chinese noodles with homemade sauce

Tired of your pasta recipe? Don’t worry! Today we are introducing a simple and tasty "Chinese noodle in home-style sauce". Since it is called 'home-style', there can be many variations. The soul of today's version is garlic and soy sauce.
step1: boiling a large pot of water to cook the noodle. BTW, dried Chinese noodle (Guamian 挂面 in Chinese) is quicker to cook than Italian pasta. Guamian can be easily found in asian supermarket (like Dunapanda).
step2: prepare the "base" of the sauce by mixing oyster sauce (or instead, hoisin sauce), soy sauce, sesame oil and sugar.
step3: chop garlic into small pieces and stir-fry it in the oil.
step4: pour the garlic oil onto the "base" of the sauce.
step5: Mix the sauce and noodles together. And done!